/ by Sandrine Place
Trait de génie
Black and white work wonders!
Don’t be fooled: these are not black-and-white photos, but decors in which these non-colours sublimate and respond to each other! Graphic motifs, loose curves or subtle squares…
6. In full transparency (p. 111) / smoked glass chair (4mm thick) “Fragile” collection, design Thibeau Scarcériaux, SINOPLE Gallery
1. Gougé (p. 115) / “Nature morte au pain 1” pitcher in burnt oak, stained and oiled, unique piece, Ferréol Babin for SINOPLE Gallery
Trait de génie
par Sandrine Place
photographies de Claire Israël
Elle Décoration
n° 316, juin 2024, p. 108 à 115