Founded in 2018, SINOPLE is a gallery and studio specializing in artistic project direction. Both a curator and an editor, SINOPLE also imagines exclusive thematic collections of artworks and

Specialized in portraiture and old engraving, a graduate of the Ecole du Louvre, holding Masters in both Art History and Marketing and Luxury Management, he expresses his appeal for the crafts and innovative, cultural and heritage project management through his experiences with Maison Pommery, Courrèges and the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation.
At the heart of the “Prix Liliane Bettencourt pour l’intelligence de la main” ® apparatus, he contributed to the emergence of its contemporary component during 8 years, helping winners develop their projects and participating in the implementation of the Foundation’s cultural sponsorship strategy.
A consultant, curator of exhibitions notably presented at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris or at the Grand Palais, with an expertise in prizes and artistic residencies in France and abroad, he has also collaborated in the writing and direction of audiovisual productions focused on the creative professional world and sparked the foundation of an outstanding craftsmanship network in the south of France.
The territorial development and innovation agencies, artists and art workshops he supported helped shape his career path as he was heading towards academic research, after a Masters in Fundamental and European Law on secularism in France and in Europe in the 21st century.
The etymology of SINOPLE refers to the port of Sinope in Paphlagonia – present-day Turkey – which gave “sinopia”, a red pigment used since Antiquity to sketch frescoes or paintings on wood.
In his “Elementary Treaty of Mineralogy with applications to the Arts”, Alexandre Brongniart, then director of the Manufacture impériale de Porcelaine de Sèvres, uses this same shade of red,”blood red”, to qualify the sinople as a rusty quartz. He describes it as either being crystallized in prisms with six-sided pyramidal ends and originating from South of France or Spain, or called Hyacinthe de Compostelle in reference to the pilgrims who collected them as a testimony of their route, sometimes massively present in primitive mountains, hence sometimes penetrated with gold.
In the middle of the 14th century, specifically in France and for no known reason, the term’s use and meaning changed. Under the influence of heraldry, a field of both artistic and identitary expression, this mineral red turned into a green enamel. On coats of arms and in a monochrome version, it is characterized by parallel diagonal lines that run “from the head to the tip of the
shield, dextral to sinister”.
Orchestrated by Violaine & Jérémy, the composition of SINOPLE weapons is inspired by heraldry, alchemy and associates many symbols. They embody the 4 elements: water, earth, air and fire. They also refer to the 4 kingdoms: mineral, plant, animal and human.