
Eternelles errances

The artist Léa Barbazanges is taking part in the group exhibition ‘Eternelles errances’ organised by the philanthropic association CulturFoundry in partnership with Les Amis du NMWA.

Through a selection of 9 artists curated by Marianna De Marzi, ‘Eternelles errances’ invites visitors to take the plunge, to look beyond the mirror, into the continuity of a landscape outside the canvas, outside the frame, outside the field, outside the subject. Drawing on our collective memory, the exhibition blurs the lines: from a tactile gesture, a relationship with matter going back in time to the origins of humanity, to an intimate writing whose meaning escapes even its creator.
The artist Léa Barbazanges – who produced the ‘Filicineae’ series for SINOPLE – is presenting a number of works, including a Page of Papaveraceae, a Line of Mica and a Drawing of a mandarin orange.

more information (in French)

Eternelles errances
from 7 to 15 march 2025

Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles
127-129 rue Saint Martin
75004 Paris
mon. – sat. 11:00 am – 07:00 pm

Léa Barbazanges, Page de Papaveraceae (detail)
Léa Barbazanges, Ligne de Mica (detail)
Léa Barbazanges, Dessins d’une mandarine (diptyque)
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